Message from Director of Admin

Director of Admin

Tirupati Group schools are a wonderful activator for learning in the primary years, where students on a daily basis make connections to their world and their local community.  Our endeavour is to equip our students with life-skills to face the real world – be it planning, organizing, deciding, questioning, reasoning, analyzing, team-building, communicating effectively or dealing with challenges confidently.  We at GREMS place the progress and well being of our students at the centre of everything we undertake. The teaching and non-teaching personnel here are committed to providing excellent services both in and beyond the classroom.  GREMS is totally committed to achieving this and will pursue the highest possible aspirations for the pupils.  With our concerted efforts, I am confident that GREMS will continue to rise to challenges ahead and nurture talents for the globalized and knowledge based education of the 21st century. I am thankful to the Almighty for showering me with this wonderful blessing of being a part of the GREMS family.